Monday, 3 September 2012


Recently, we have reviewed the work done by Group 38 - ArchiBJZ. This group focused on the vehicles, the journey and the landing area between the two hotels (cities)that were based heavily on working with 3d modeling such as 3dsMax and 3D printer. Compare to the other two work shops, this one seems more practical and realistic rather than thinking about the appearance. The ideas for these vehicles are also restricted by the rules of using renewable energy and non- renewable energy which makes the task even more complicate.

Through their blog, there is a huge amount of work evident showing their trials of the modified vehicle. From their first experiment to the final result they created, Group 38 used a variety of materials trying to improve the vehicle through different aspects. For instance, a number of seaweed and rice paper were attached on their lantern to change the proportion between the weight and the air within it. They also applied larger surface area on the lantern to adjust the gravitational force . With having such rich experience behind their vehicle, it provides our group a great opportunity to learn from their mistake and success.

In designing their vehicles, ArchiBJZ made the good decision of their garages and consider them not just a place where they could put into the hotels, but also how they could affect the overall shape of their hotels. Their two images of the landing area showed a clearly contrast between Auckland and Waiheke Island. Although they didn't pin up additional information of their hotels, we still can understand the differences between two sites and how they are contrast to each other giving distinct feeling to the people inside the hotels.